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Identifying and Locating Basement Water Leaks, Part 2


In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic signs of water leaks that might be taking place in your home, particularly in your basement. This is the most common location for such leaks based on the natural flow of gravity and liquid, and also therefore the most common location for issues like water damage, mold formation and others resulting from such leaks.

At Summit Coatings, we offer a wide variety of floor waterproofing services, including garage and basement coating, to help prevent these sorts of leaks from ever taking place. If you have not taken advantage of our services yet or live in an older home, however, your space may still be susceptible to these kinds of issues. In today’s part two, we’ll go over a few more potential culprits in these leaks that you can keep an eye out for, plus how to locate them and remedy them if they become concerns in your home.

locating basement water leaks

Window Leaks

In many cases, the source of leaking water in the basement can be traced back upward to the windows on the main floor of the home. As we noted above, water naturally flows downward – it does not have to originate in the basement for it to end up there, particularly if there are sealing issues between floors.

If you have begun to notice basement leaks following storms on a regular basis, take a look at your sealing and caulking on windows. You should also check for any water pooling or collecting near windows. If you find even small leaks, you might be surprised how quickly these turn into major water damage concerns, whether in the area itself or below in the basement. Windows should be properly sealed, as should floors, particularly in the garage or other susceptible areas.

Pipe Leaks

Another potential source of leakage is any pipe that has been cracked or otherwise damaged, including blockages or clogs. These can lead to everything from minor leaking to full-on bursting and flooding risks, which are most risky in the areas where pipes cannot be directly seen or accessed. It’s important to regularly inspect visible areas of your pipes on your own, plus to hire plumbers for professional inspections, particularly if you’ve had pipe leak problems in the past.


Finally, one area that’s more of a sign of leakage than a direct cause is efflorescence, which is a powdery white substance that may be found on your walls. Efflorescence is, in reality, a residual mineral salt from outdoor groundwater. It’s not technically harmful to you, but it’s ugly and often leads to mold formation when enough of it is present. It’s a clear sign you have a leak nearby that you need to look into.

For more on locating the source of a leak in your basement, or to learn about any of our epoxy coatings or sealing services, speak to the staff at Summit Coatings today.



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